A Place to Read

Her Perfect Family by Teresa Driscoll

My latest read was Her Perfect Family by Teresa Driscoll. I listened on Audible from my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Account. This works like a library for kindle books and audio books where you can borrow unlimited books each month for a fee of £7.99 every three months. They also do free trials if you are… Continue reading Her Perfect Family by Teresa Driscoll

A Place to Read

Waiting To Begin, Amanda Prowse book review

I have Kindle Unlimited which means I can borrow kindle books all the time and also choose from a smaller selection of audio books. The last one I chose was Waiting to Begin by Amanda Prowse. Waiting To Begin The Blurb From the bestselling author of The Girl in the Corner comes a story that asks: what… Continue reading Waiting To Begin, Amanda Prowse book review

A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly November, Darker Nights are Here

Hello, Welcome to Book Worms Monthly November. October seems to have flown by and now we are down to shorter days and so much less daylight. Less desire to go out, and more time for reading under a blanket! Reading is my passion and I love to write about what I’ve read. I’m a real… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly November, Darker Nights are Here

A Place to Enjoy

Horror Games to Scare Your Socks off this Halloween

I'm not one for playing horror games but I admit that I love to watch others play. If you want a good scare on Halloween and are looking for good horror games here are some from Go2Games. I'm an affiliate so I'll earn a little cash if you buy anything from my links, but at… Continue reading Horror Games to Scare Your Socks off this Halloween

A Place to Enjoy

My Latest Crochet Creation – A Warm Mosaic Hat

I found this fabulous pattern for a crochet mosaic hat and it really appealed. The best thing about mosaic crochet is that you don't have loads of ends to weave in because you don't have to change the colours you just bring them in each row. You can get some really fun patterns from mosaic… Continue reading My Latest Crochet Creation – A Warm Mosaic Hat

A Place to Enjoy, Crochet

Baby Cardigan in Pink, My Latest Crochet Creation

I love to Crochet and I have my own little shop on Etsy with all my makes. I started with blankets but apart from a couple that I have gifted, I have mostly kept them. They took so long to make it was hard to part with them. I then went on to scarves and… Continue reading Baby Cardigan in Pink, My Latest Crochet Creation