A Place to Reflect, My Shop

Little Messages of Hope and Encouragement

I have an Instagram account linked to this blog and shop. I decided to set it up so I’d promote a product from my shop and then add a little quote of inspiration, a message of hope and encouragement.

I’m all about mindfulness and I hope this system works. I’m going to share some of my favourites now, along with my products. Yes, I’m doing it to encourage you to visit my shop. I need to sell some more stuff and soon. (Then I can buy more!)

Be Bold Enough to Dream and Brave Enough to Try

Be Bold enough to dream and brave enough to try, hope and encouragement

Do you feel bold? Do you feel Brave? Sometimes I have to dig deep to find these. People are always telling me I am strong, but I don’t think I am. What I really want to be is Bold and Brave and most of all I want to achieve more with the time I have left on this earth. My biggest dream was to have more children and I was very bold having them later in life.

My baby days are well and truly over now, but maybe you know someone who is about to have a baby or has just had a new baby, this would make a lovely gift.

Shift Your Perspective to Change Your Reality

Shift your perspective to change your reality, message of hope and encouragement.

Sometimes you need to change some things to make better things happen. Just the smallest thing can make the biggest difference. To do this you need to develop better habits and Find ways of making them stick.

Habit Notes for Encouragement

This handy little hardback book will help you identify why certain habits have stuck in the past, which you need to change and how find your authentic self. The journal contains inspirational quotes, motivational exercises, goal setting and much more. All the encouragement you need.

Be Kind to Your Mind

Be Kind To Your Mind

We all need to be kind to our minds, to reflect and take some time out for ourselves. There are many ways of doing this but I find sometimes it’s the simple things like lighting a candle or wax burner and just enjoying the scent while relaxing. It can be in the bedroom, the bath or just while reading a book. Be kind to yourself and do something for you.

I am Grounded Crystal Candle

In my shop I sell a lot of candles and wax melts. They come with crystals and herbs the candles have reusable pots. Each one is made with love and care and is focused on your well being and taking care of yourself.

This ‘I Am Grounded’ candle is filled with haematite crystals and hibiscus and is used for protection and stability. Other brands on offer are, I Am Devine, wax melts and candles, I Am Unstoppable Candles and wax melts, I Am Enough wax melts, I Am Serene candles and I Am Resilient Candles.

My Shop also has lots of other journals, mind cards, pocket hugs, wish string bracelets and much more. Please take a look and make me happy today.

Thank you from At Home a Lot, hope and encouragement

Oh hi there đź‘‹
It’s nice to meet you.

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8 thoughts on “Little Messages of Hope and Encouragement”

  1. I love those quotes, especially the first one. I sometimes need a kick up the bum to be bold and brave, I’d like to be like that all of the time.
    I think you are a strong person but with everything thrown at you in life you have to be.
    What lovely products. x

  2. My favorite quote comes from Dr. Wayne Dyer, it is similar to “Shift your perspective to change your reality.” It is, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” For me, that means it is easy to see only the negative when you are faced with a problem. But, when you look for the silver lining (no matter how small it may be) it will give you the confidence, energy, and strength to push through the hard times. That has always helped me through rough patches in my life.

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