You may be aware that I have a shop attached to this blog. I like to sell things that encourage mindfulness, but one of my passions is crystals. I find crystals are great for mindfulness activities, just holding one and feeling it can make you feel better. I always have a crystal beside my bed. I have a lovely bowl of crystals on my sideboard.
One thing I really like is a crystal bracelet so you can wear your crystals wherever you go. I’ve a few bracelets in my shop for sale in hope of adding more when they are sold.
These are the bracelets I am currently selling:

Tigers Eye Bracelet
Top Left of collage
Tigers Eye is a member of the Chalcedony mineral class family. It has a silky luster and an opaque transparency. Tiger’s Eye is commonly a metamorphic rock that comes in shades of reddish brown with iron stripes.
The benefits of Tigers Eye
- protection
- clear thinking
- personal empowerment
- integrity
- willpower
- practicality
- grounding
- power
- courage
Malachite Bracelet
Top right of collage
Malachite is a mineral that naturally forms above copper deposits deep in the earth. Malachite is recognized for its striking green colour ranging from pastel green to bright green and ending at the dark green spectrum.
The benefits of Malachite:
- calming
- loyalty
- leadership
- protection
- wisdom
- comfort
- balance
- peace
- self-understanding
- positive transformation
- healing
Health Benefits of Malachite
- heals cramps
- helps during labour
- helps with pre-menstrual tension (PMT)
- helps period pains
- boosts immune system
- lowers blood pressure
- helps with arthritis
Labradorite Bracelet
Labradorite is used for:
- mental clarity
- creative inspiration
- strengthen intuition
- increase confidence
It’s health properties are:
- eases anxiety and stress
- boosts your metabolism
- boosts your immune system
- regulate hormones
- lower blood pressure
Each of my bracelets cost just £5.99 with £3 p&p
You can read about why I opened my little shop here.
I also sell journals, Mind Cards, Wish Bracelets and Pocket Hugs.
My youngest is obsessed with crystals. She would love these and already has a couple of similar ones. I love the look of the Malachite Bracelet, the colour is so pretty. x
Crystals really fascinate me with their different properties, I’ve got quite a few.
I love the Tigers Eye bracelet. xx