
Three Health Projects To Indulge In During The Pandemic

Nobody is getting out much these days. But that’s okay. Spring is coming, both literally and metaphorically. And that means that it will soon be time for us to all crawl out of our burrows and enjoy the world once more. 

But when we do, we want it to be an enjoyable experience. We don’t want to feel like we’re emerging from a coma. We want it to be more like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. 

That’s why now is the time to engage in a health project. It’s time to invest in yourself, turn your body around, and get ready for the world once it finally reopens. 

Sort Out Your Stiff Muscles

photograph of lady on a yoga mat

Unsplash – CC0 License

We’ve all been spending a lot of time indoors. And it’s had a considerable impact on our muscles. They feel tighter than usual. And many of us are having to put up with chronic pain and uncomfortable sensations every day. 

The good news, though, is that a lot of these issues are reversible with consistent, mindful effort. 

What do we mean by this? 

Well, it’s actually quite simple really. It means dedicating your body to stretching and movement a couple of times a day, five days a week. 

Over time, your muscles will lengthen, you’ll become more flexible. And you’ll be able to move in ways you never thought possible before. 

Try going on an online Pilates course or do callisthenics in your living room. You should notice changes within just a couple of weeks. 

Solve Your Teeth

Now you’re not going out as much, it’s the perfect time to solve your teeth. And we’re not just talking about getting fillings. No – we’re talking about building a whole new smile.

Today, orthodontists have a massive range of tools that they can use to resolve crooked teeth and give you the smile you want. Plus, it actually improves your long-term oral health. If you have crooked teeth, it creates spaces into which bacteria can crawl and thrive. Over time, cavities develop and you wind up with tooth problems. Sorting it out while you’re young, therefore, can save you a lot of trouble in the future. 

Correct Your Diet for health

health food in a bowl

Unsplash – CC0 License

Now that you’re spending more time at home, you have more space to really think about the quality of the food you’re eating. 

Greek medic Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.”

It turns out that he was really onto something. What we eat really does massively affect how healthy we ultimately become. 

But as we all know, changing what we eat isn’t easy. It actually takes a lot of mental effort. We have to adopt new shopping habits and learn new recipes. Serious work goes into it. 

For that reason, now is the perfect time to make a change to what you eat. We’re not talking about going on a diet. That’s a short-term measure that never works. 

What we’re talking about is putting in place the groundwork that lets you make a long-term change. We all know what a healthy diet looks like. It’s just a matter of adopting strategies to make it happen. 

*this is a collaborative post

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