
Looking After your Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in any woman’s life. That is the norm anyway. Unfortunately, in some cases, pregnancy can bring complications and can affect your health in unexpected ways. Even though it is normally temporary until you give birth it is important you look after yourself and any health concerns you have while pregnant. It is truly a wonderful time, there won’t be anything like it when you feel your child kick and move around for the first time. You will start to know their routine and notice when they have hiccups. It is a beautiful time in life and something to cherish. 

looking after your health during pregnancy, a pregnant lady doing yoga

(Image credit)

Eating Right

When you are pregnant is a more important time than ever to eat right. Also be careful about what you are eating as there are certain things you can’t have while pregnant. Be sure you are getting in your 5 a day for fruit and vegetables as well as things high in calcium, remember you are growing a whole skeleton. You also can make sure you get the things you need from prenatal vitamins. If you struggle with feeling and being sick a lot, eating is going to be the last thing on your mind. In these cases try to eat little and often so you are still getting goodness into your body. 

Taking Medication

Throughout your pregnancy, you will take things like prenatal vitamins but there may be other things you need to take depending on your needs. If you are classed as high risk or are experiencing diabetes that you can get while pregnant you may need to have other medications too and these can be daily. If you are taking injections daily you may need to have something like vaccine fridges to store the medicine you need safely.

Staying Active

Being active throughout your pregnancy can make a real difference in how you feel on a daily basis. It can make you feel a lot better mentally as well as energetic. Even as you get towards the end of your pregnancy and struggle to do things you can still be active in a way of just going for a walk or a swim. Something gentle will be better for you. You don’t want to be in the gym lifting weights when you are 8 months pregnant. 

Go To All Your Appointments 

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby is also to go to all of the checkups with the midwifes and specialists so they can monitor the growth of the baby, make sure nothing is wrong as well be able to tell you exciting things like the expected weight and gender of the baby. You should also always trust your gut and if something doesn’t feel right or you feel unwell in yourself always go and get checked out. In pregnancy, it is always better to be cautious and make sure everything is okay than risk missing something that can make you or your baby poorly. 

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