I didn’t write a meal plan for the last week because I was away and since getting back I’ve been really overwhelmed with things to do, never mind writing down our menu.
Good news is, we managed our BBQ (which was on my last published meal plan) and got to use my new garden table. I’m a bit fed up of regular BBQ food though, I may have to look for some alternatives.
I’m in hospital this Tuesday for treatment so I’ve opted for something quick and easy to add to the menu, pizza!

This Weeks Meal Plan Menu
- Monday – pasta bake
- Tuesday – pizza
- Wednesday – Hot Dog sausage rolls
- Thursday – Lasagne
- Friday – Fish and chips
- Saturday – Curry
- Sunday – pie and mash
I spent a total of £160 on this weeks shopping which I think is really good, so I’m hoping I can stick to that in the future. Next payday, I’m thinking of a little trip to a cheaper store to stock up on things like washing liquid and other cleaning products as well as cat food and maybe even a few freezer things for back up. It’s always good to have a well stocked freezer just in case no-one fancies what’s on the menu. I like a good stack of tins and packets too.
If I’m honest, we could probably manage a week or two on buying nothing but perishables (milk, bread etc.) I know my Mum used to have to do this sometimes. We do get lazy with cooking though. I also have a store cupboard of herbs and spices and it’s just a case of adding fresh meat, fish or quorn for a delicious meal. I really need to cut down on take outs because we can’t be bothered to cook. It makes such a huge difference to my meal budgeting. A take out for 7 people is very expensive.
Linking up to Katy and her Meal Planning linky
Hooray for having a BBQ. We are hoping to have one on Monday. I hope your treatment goes well.
I think you have just listed all of my familes favourite meals.
£160 is great for your shopping bill. I spent £130 this past week becuase the kids are off school. I need snacky/lunchtime food for them and wine for me. lol
I didn’t figure in the extra lunches for the kids so they may be living on sandwiches 🙂 I might go to a local supermarket to pick up some extra bits though, or send Graham with a list. Hope you manage to have your BBQ too
I know how you feel about BBQ food, your meals sound lovely this week and love a pasta bake
Hope that today has gone well for you, by the time you read this!
Have a great rest of the week and thanks for linking up.
Thank you Katy, the treatment knocked me out for a day but I’m much better now x
Hope your hospital appointment went well.
This weeks menu sounds delicious 🙂
Sending virtual hugs that everything goes smoothly for you this week. I love the idea of looking around in your cupboard for things that you can use for meals without buying anything!
Great ideas for your meal plan too!