A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly Springing into March book Link Up

Welcome to this months Book Worms Monthly March. Again, I’m a little late. I have a good excuse though, I caught Covid again and it’s knocked me for six. I didn’t even realise it was March until this morning. I’ve not been reading much either because, well, I’ve not done much at all except sleep… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly Springing into March book Link Up

A Place to Read

Happy New Year Book Worms Monthly January

Welcome to Book Worms monthly January and Happy New Year. I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. I didn’t get much reading done. I did enjoy a couple of Terry Pratchett books which my son bought me for Christmas, but I’ve read them before. Do you read books that you’ve read before? I have… Continue reading Happy New Year Book Worms Monthly January

A Place to Read

Cosy Up for Book Worms Monthly December

Welcome to Book Worms monthly December. I can barely believe that it’s December already! I currently have 3 books on the go which is unusual for me but I’m determined to get them finished and they are all completely different so I’m hoping I don’t get confused. Plus one is just short stories, so I… Continue reading Cosy Up for Book Worms Monthly December

A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly September 2023

Welcome to Book worms Monthly September. I’ve been going through a big upheaval in my life and while some might find reading a comforting way of forgetting the real world, I have had difficulty in concentrating. I lost my reading mojo a little and again I’ve only read a couple of books this month. I… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly September 2023

A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly August Edition, where is the sun?

Welcome to Book worms Monthly August. I don’t know what has happened to the summer here in the UK. By the time this is published I will be on holiday (in Britain) and the weather forecast does not look good 🙁 On the good side I’ll have plenty of time for reading. I’ve not done… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly August Edition, where is the sun?