Chronic Illness, health

Medical Cannabis for Health Conditions

Cannabis, commonly referred to as marijuana, has long been the source of heated debate. Recently, however, it has come under more scrutiny and been recognized for its medicinal qualities, leading to legalization for medical purposes in various countries. Medical cannabis refers to using cannabinoids such as THC to treat multiple health conditions rather than for their psychoactive effects; recreational marijuana, on the other hand, is typically consumed for its psychoactive effects alone. Medical cannabis comes in various forms, including pills, oils and edibles, with growing evidence pointing toward its benefits across multiple health conditions; in this blog post, we will explore why medical cannabis should be considered for health conditions that require treatment by itself.

cannabis leaves

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Pain Reliever

One of the primary uses for medical cannabis is pain relief. Cannabis contains cannabinoids that have proven their analgesic properties, such as THC; THC being one of the preparatory psychoactive compounds within cannabis, has also proven successful at alleviating chronic pain caused by multiple sclerosis, neuropathy and cancer.

Anxiety and Depression 

Anxiety and Depression are prevalent mental health conditions that can have severe repercussions for the quality of life, even though medications exist to treat both conditions. Unfortunately, though some medications exist for treating them effectively, many also come with unwanted side effects which further compromise the quality of life and that is how cannabis can be helpful.


Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterised by seizures and is typically treated with medications available; however, these may not always prove effective for every individual suffering from epilepsy. Recently there has been increasing interest in using medical cannabis to treat epilepsy.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are both side effects of chemotherapy treatment for cancer, although not consistently effective medications are available to alleviate them. Cannabis may help, with THC being particularly useful at alleviating nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy treatments.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the central nervous system, leading to muscle spasms, pain, and fatigue. Cannabis has been found to help reduce muscle spasms and relieve pain and fatigue caused by MS.


Glaucoma is an eye condition that can cause vision loss. While medications can be effective in treating some cases of glaucoma, they may not work for all. Cannabis can be helpful in reducing pressure within the eyes and may have some benefits for treating glaucoma.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss. Cannabis has been found effective at relieving symptoms associated with IBD.


Cannabis has long been touted as an effective remedy for insomnia in various ways. THC and CBD compounds in cannabis have been shown to produce sedative effects that help induce sleep by relaxing the body and mind, prompting relaxation responses inducing restfulness. Cannabis may help alleviate anxiety and stress, both of which are commonly identified as causes of sleep disturbances. Studies have also demonstrated how cannabis can increase deep, restorative sleep while decreasing time spent in lighter stages of slumber. Notably, however, is that the effects of cannabis on sleep will depend heavily upon both individual circumstances and the type and dosage of cannabis used. Therefore, individuals should speak to a healthcare provider before using cannabis as a sleep aid.

Post traumatic Stress Disorder 

Cannabis has long been touted as an effective remedy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One key benefit is its ability to mitigate anxiety and Depression symptoms associated with this disorder. Cannabis compounds, particularly CBD, have been demonstrated to provide both anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects in both body and mind. Furthermore, marijuana may help alleviate nightmares associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies have also demonstrated cannabis’ ability to help regulate an individual’s endocannabinoid system – something often disrupted for those suffering from PTSD.

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Cannabis has long been recognized for its ability to assist cancer patients in various ways. One such benefit of marijuana for cancer patients is its ability to reduce pain and discomfort associated with disease progression and treatment, stimulate appetite during cancer treatments that often lead to weight loss and malnourishment, and contain anti-tumour properties which could slow or stop the progression of specific cancer cells. While more research needs to be conducted into its uses and risks for cancer patients, many individuals have reported significant improvement in quality of life since using cannabis.

Tips for Utilising Cannabis with Discretion

Due to cannabis being illegal or restricted in many places, one must learn how to use it discreetly. Here are a few suggestions for using marijuana discreetly:

* Please refrain from smoking in public areas or near individuals who might object to its use, and consider switching to vaping as this produces less of an odour than traditional methods.

* To safely store cannabis products, remove them from sight until needed and dispose of any items associated with cannabis responsibly when finished using.

* Take small doses and refrain from consuming cannabis when performing activities or situations requiring focus or alertness. Track how long cannabis stays in your system and any legal implications pertaining to usage in your region.

* To make an informed decision when considering cannabis use, familiarise yourself with its associated risks and seek professional guidance if any queries or doubts arise regarding its usage.

*It is also vital to buy your products from a reputable dispensary or source to ensure the quality of the product.

Medical cannabis has long been recognized for its beneficial effects in treating various health issues, such as pain, anxiety, Depression, epilepsy, nausea and vomiting, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, insomnia, PTSD and cancer. While more research must be conducted to fully explore cannabis’ potential as a treatment option for certain conditions, evidence points towards it as one treatment possibility. However, it should be remembered that medical cannabis should not be seen as a miracle solution and must be integrated into an overall treatment plan. Therefore, before using medical cannabis for yourself or anyone in your care, please seek guidance from a healthcare provider to ensure it meets all your specific requirements and needs.

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