A Place to Read

Reading Challenge 2025

It still feels weird writing 2025! Anyway, I’ve decided to join a reading challenge this year. I already do the Goodreads challenge, you can see my profile here. However, I wanted to do something more inclusive so I’m doing this reading challenge with my book club group Chapter 25.

So what is the challenge?

Each month we have to pick a book from the following list and read it. The what’s app group means we can talk about our progress. We can also talk about our reads on SM using the hashtag #chapter25readingchallenge

Here are Our Prompts for the Reading Challenge

  • A book set in a Country you’ve never visited
  • A Debut Novel by a new author
  • A classic you’ve always meant to read
  • A book with a colour in it’s title
  • A non-fiction book on a topic you’re curious about
  • A book that’s been adapted into a movie or TV series
  • A book recommended by a fellow Chapter 25 member
  • A book with a one word title
  • A book that’s won a literary award
  • A book by an author of a different culture or background
  • A book from a genre you wouldn’t normally read
  • A book that’s been on your TBR pile for too long

I think it all sounds pretty easy, I’ve done all of these before, some quite recently. But it will be interesting finding books to fit the prompts again.

I think I will start with a non-fiction book on a topic I’m curious about. I’m reading a book about Greek Mythology by Liv Albert. I have been enjoying books by Alex Michaelides, and he incorporates a lot of Greek mythology in his stories. If I were to suggest a book for others to read I’d probably choose The Silent Patient.

So, if I get Greek Mythology finished this month that will be my first book in the challenge.

I didn’t finish Greek Mythology in January but I did read The Life Impossible by Matt Haig, so that’s my book for a book set in a county you’ve never visited.

January – The Life Impossible

Have you ever taken part in a reading challenge?

book worms monthly

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5 thoughts on “Reading Challenge 2025”

  1. I signed something yesterday and said 2024. lol I might get the hang of saying 2025 by the end of the year. lol
    That sounds like a fantastic challenge especially picking a book for the prompts. x

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