This is the prompt for Blogtober 2024, Why we crave Darkness. And as I mostly write here about two things, mental health and books. I decided to base my post about what I know best.
Darkness Follows Me Around
I don’t crave darkness but I do feel it follows me around. It’s like the metaphorical black dog snapping at my heels constantly and sometimes it overpowers me. But, I always fight back, or rather, I’ve learned how to tame that black dog and keep him under control. This has been learnt by CBT, DBT and Mindfulness. This is time consuming but it’s not always unpleasant. Taking care of yourself and your mental health is most important.
Saying that, a lot of people who do suffer depression often seek out dark books. I never really understood this until my daughter explained to me (she also suffers depression.) She watches horror films (I don’t) because it shows her the worst of life and makes her feel as though her worst doesn’t compare. I read dark books, and I guess it’s probably for the same reason.
Dark Books
I don’t really go for horror, but when I was around 13 years old my friend gave me some James Herbert books, it was The Rats Trilogy, and so, so dark. I still can’t believe my 13 year old mind comprehended such horror. I became addicted and read more of James Herbert and then Stephen King. My life wasn’t so good around that age and it helped me to block it all out by scaring myself.
Now, I go for more psychological horror. I enjoy reading about a good murder, or something dark and mysterious. I have recently found Alex Michaelides who writes some dark work but it’s also very mysterious and twisted, it really bends your mind.
Dark Fantasy
I like dark fantasy which takes you to different worlds and dimensions, or has demons and vampires and witches. Yes, some can be very dark, but it’s all fantasy and escape.
I didn’t really enjoy reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, but I loved the television series. As well as modern witches, you also have vampires, demons, werewolves and lots of other scary characters.
I recently read A Court of Thorns and Roses but even though it was dark at times, I wasn’t really a huge fan.
Dark Versus Light
If I do read something dark or heavy then I tend to follow it with something more light hearted or funny. Just to keep my moods on an equal level.
But the best way to keep away from dark moods is mindfulness. Being in the moment. Forget about the past, it’s already happened. Forget about the future, you don’t know what will happen for certain. Just focus on the here and now.
Some people strive on hot sunny days or being in hot sunny places. I can’t say I don’t like them because there is nothing nicer than a sunny day by the beach, watching the sea roll in and maybe munching on my favourite fish and chips, or even just an ice cream. If this is what you like, or something similar then you can close your eyes, breathe gently and imagine you are in this happy place. Even for a few minutes it can lift your mood.
I don’t mind the dark, I am happy with the evenings when we can draw the curtains, put on the heating and relax the evening away. With longer evenings comes longer times to relax, right? I also don’t mind dark days, when I can stay inside, light up my candles and curl up with a blanket and book or my crochet.
I don’t crave darkness, but I don’t mind it either.
Wishing you days of love and light x

Day one Welcome to Blogtober 2024
Day two Living to Die and Dying to Live
Day Three Autumn Traditions Around the World
Day Four Blogtober is my Word of the Week
Day Five Books that Feel Like October Reads
Day Eight My Etsy Autumn Picks
Day Nine 10 Ways to Organize Your Kitchen
Day Ten Missed
Day Thirteen Reclaiming The Fireplace
Day Fifteen What Makes me Feel Warm
Day Sixteen – missed
Day seventeen – missed
Day nineteen Transitions and Life
Day twenty – missed
Day twenty one – History in the Shadows and Other Stories
Day twenty two – Not another Pumpkin Post
Day 23 Missed
Day 24 missed
Day 26 missed
Day 27 Why we Crave Darkness
It’s so strange but I seem to find comfort in dark books, I think it feels safe sometimes in an odd kind of way. I am just listening the Gathering by C J Tudor which is about vampires but told in a modern way, it’s very good so far.
I really enjoyed reading this! It’s so relatable, especially in today’s world where many of us find ourselves spending more time at home. The tips on staying connected, maintaining a routine, and finding new hobbies were spot-on and definitely made me think about how to make the most of time indoors. It’s a great reminder that staying home doesn’t mean being stagnant. Do you have any personal hobbies or activities that help you stay energized and motivated at home?