I love to journal, that’s no surprise, I’ve mentioned it many times and even opened my own little shop where I sell some lovely journals. I’ll be totally honest with you, I’ve not sold much and I was going to close the shop down this year. But, instead, I’ve bought a whole new load of stock and I’m going to keep it going.
Last year was a bad year for me and I took one of my journals and wrote down everything. I wanted to rant at the world and I was taking it out on other’s. In particular my ex, who was getting a barrage of texts. But I was getting frustrated with his replies so I decided to write it all down instead. And now there it is, a whole six months of misery. It was cathartic at the time, I’ll admit. But now I realise that’s really not what journaling is about. Being positive is hard sometimes but it’s something that you can get used to.
Types of Journals
When it comes to journaling people develop their own ways. You can find some gorgeous journals on Instagram like NikeyDauringon or Cocoplans I wish I had the creativity of these people.
I usually just write, everything, how I’m feeling, lists of what I need to do, plans for the future, gift lists, my journals can be a bit of a mish mash mess, but that’s how I like them. And they are great too look back on in the future. Most of my journals are just notebooks but I get great enjoyment out of lovely looking books and nice pens.
Some of the journals I sell are more guided, as in, they will tell what sort of things to write about each day. For example, the Mind Notes Journal is a six month undated journal with prompts on each page and mindfulness exercises. There are also bigger spaces for you to write down your notes. I kept one of these for six months to help me keep more focus on my well being.

I’m going to be stocking up on my journals and adding a few new ones so look out for some updates soon.
Keeping Your Journal on Track
I am determined to start this new year on a more positive note. No more writing down my rants and focus more on achieving peace with myself.
A few tips on keeping your journal on track are to set a limit on the time you spend writing or drawing in them, follow a guide for journals – try a guided journal or some Mind Cards, Decide on a purpose for your journal, write down your goals.
It’s always a good idea to include gratitude, to write down the things you are grateful for no matter how big or small. I have always found this hard, especially being chronically ill, but sometimes it’s the smaller things that you don’t always notice that you can be grateful. An unexpected compliment or impromptu hug from a child. There are so many nice things that happen throughout the day that even when life feels miserable you can pick them out and let them pick you up.
Now I’ve decided to keep my shop I’m going to be promoting a lot more, nothing would make me happier if my posts were shared. You can find me on my Instagram At Home a Lot Mindfulness where I am posting about my shop contents along with mindfulness quotes. I hope you will join me and like and comment when you can.
Thank you x

Please Pin my shop to help me get noticed, xx

I write everything down, I have several note books on the go, rarely dated and nothing in order. I revisit them all from time to time and use them to compile blog posts, plan and book holidays.
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