A Place to Enjoy

4 Books That were Adapted to Screen Well

There are many books that have adapted to screen well, here are just four and I’d love to hear which of your favourite books have adapted well. Personally, I can’t wait for Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club, I really hope it doesn’t disappoint.

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We all know the common retort – “That movie was good, but the book it’s based on is better.” The reason this cliche remains is because it’s true for the most part. From top to bottom, books can simply convey more information than movies, even though movies have a fantastic ability to truly render worlds through an audiovisual format, and spellbind us thanks to a director’s vision. 

However, a book uses the power of your insight and imagination, effectively using you and your experiences as the “rendering tool” used to construct worlds, no CGI needed, but just as impressive!

That being said, it’s important not to feel too contrarian. In some cases, the film can be just as good as the book. Because films can be more accessible, sometimes they even overtake the book in terms of our cultural consciousness, and that only lends credence to the author’s original work.

So, which screen adaptions are actually worth enjoying? Let’s consider four of those, below:

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Peter Jackon’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is now considered a timeless classic, impressive considering how the series ran through the 2000s which is still recent history as far as cinema goes. While Christopher Tolkien (JRR’s son) had issues with the action focus, it’s true to say that most who watch this adventurous epic come away with a sense of awe and wonder. Better yet, these movies are perfect to watch over the Christmas period, here’s where to watch Lord of the Rings movies to get started on that yourself.

The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola adapted the book by Mario Puzo to Oscar-winning acclaim, not least because of the stellar cast he included in his masterwork. With Marlon Brando playing Don Vito Corleone, Al Pacino playing Michael Corleone, and Robert De Niro playing a younger Vito, it’s hard not to see the value in bringing such heavyweights together for such a classic tale. The Godfather went on to inspire shows like The Sopranos and later The Irishman, as the hold of organized crime on the American consciousness has in no way deflated.


Once billed as an “unfilmable,” Dune, the rare sci-fi space epic that focuses more on factional politics instead of space lasers, has had a few adaptions in both film and computer games. Director David Lynch tried but ultimately came away with a questionable output. Since then, Denis Villeneuve has launched a true epic and is releasing the movies in parts, with the second part to release early next year. Starring Zendaya and Timothy Chalamet alongside a range of other incredible a-lister actors, adaptions like this were considered improbably until Game of Thrones brought the idea of mature fantasy into the cinemagoing appetite. 

Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Truman Capote’s incredible novel has become a cinematic mainstay and a cultural touchstone for many. The 1961 film starred Audrey Hepburn in one of her most iconic roles, truly showing that the romantic comedy could take on a massive life of its own if directed correctly. It’s here where many of the romantic ideals of Hollywood were established into a new era.

What other books do you believe were adapted to screen well? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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6 thoughts on “4 Books That were Adapted to Screen Well”

  1. I love the Lord of the Rings films, I did start reading the books years ago but never finished them.
    I love the Harry Potter films although I do get annoyed that they didn’t put everything from the books into the movies. x

  2. I’ve just finished watching Lessons in Chemistry on Apple. I enjoyed reading the book last year but preferred the screen adaptation. The main character came across as more likeable on screen 🙂


  3. Haven’t seen any of the first three seen nor read the books so can’t compare – also have seen BatT but never read the book so can’t compare that either.
    I have given up on book/movie ‘adaptations’ I’m old and they never seem the same as what I see in my mind – but then will watch any of those using Pride and Prejudice. . the chance of seeing Mr Dancy emerging from the lake is just too good to miss

  4. I haven’t seen any of these films or read any of the books! I didn’t enjoy the book Normal People, but I really liked the TV series.
    My husband doesn’t read at all, but he loves the Hunger Games films and the Strike TV series. Strike is done particularly well, in my opinion.
    I’m also looking forward to The Thursday Murder Club and I would love to know who is in the cast. I imagine either Penelope Wilton or Sue Johnstone as Joyce.

  5. There are so many adaptation of books out there. Sometimes people don’t know the movie they are watching is base on a book. They might even like the movie.

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