Last week’s menu didn’t go too bad but we had some shuffling around. We didn’t have to resort to any panic buying despite the shopping problems. We are having the gammon today as I didn’t check the date on the lamb and It went out of date on Thursday. If I’d realised I’d have put it in the freezer. I’m still roasting it along with the gammon as it looked okay once opened, and there was no smell. But I see how I feel when it’s cooked. I’m so glad I ordered the wrong size now, it’s way too small for us all anyway.
I was determined to stick to my no take out rule but on Friday I was feeling pretty sick and my eldest son suggested a take out. When I said no, he said he would pay for it. So, when it was time to collect it I asked him to pay and he gave me £5 and told me what he wanted!! Cheeky monkey, he meant he was only going to pay for his own take out! I was a bit upset with him as it was already too late to start cooking and he should have made things clearer. So we came to an agreement. I bought his, Graham’s and the kids dinner from the chip shop and he paid for a Pizza for me and his two sisters. I guess it worked out half and half. (he was still a bit upset that we didn’t save him a slice of pizza though, even though we’d saved him a cookie!)
I still managed to save around £20 on shopping last week, including the take out. So, I’m improving.
Panic Buying
I’ve never really bought into the panic buying whenever there is an issue. We do get through a lot of toilet rolls though so I generally have a good stock. (I’ve hidden some to stop overuse just in case.) I’ve ordered more in the shopping delivery tomorrow but if they don’t arrive they still have plenty in my local shop. I don’t buy handwash, we switched to soap ages ago and I buy them in packs of six which last for ages! I’m not that bothered about the gel, my daughter has some because she works in a hospital, but we don’t bother, hand washing is more effective. We generally have a stock of food in the freezer that we can fall back on, so I’m sure we won’t starve if we do end up quarantined. I also have a bread maker and loads of bread flour and yeast 🙂
This weeks Meal Plan

- Monday – Pizza (home cooked)
- Tuesday – pasta bake
- Wednesday – Tofu Katsu (Chicken for the men)
- Thursday – Enchiladas
- Friday – Fish/Chicken and chips (Which we didn’t have last week)
- Saturday – Curry (made from scratch not a jar)
- Sunday – Pies and mash
We had enchiladas last week but they were underwhelming, so I’ve come up with a idea with my daughter. I am going to include more vegetables inside and less sauce on the outside. I am also going to top them with mozzarella slices. We use the packet mixes but usually drown them in sauce before baking, but it makes them too spicy.
Linking up with Katy Kicker for her meal planning linky.
I feel the same about the panic buying its all a little crazy. Your week sounds great esp the Tofu Katsu not done this before.
That is frustrating about the lamb going out of date.
hehehe! That is cheeky of your eldest son. The little so and so.
I don’t understand the panic buying either. It has made me wonder whether people actually washed their hands before the coronavirus hit the news. Our big freezer is just about full and the one under the fridge is too so I don’t think we’ll be starving anytime soon.
I love home made pizza. We had it on Saturday and it always tastes so much better than takeaway or shop bought.
I like the sound of the Tofu Katsu. x
Nice meal plan.
I have never understood the whole panic buying either, if people arent using general hygiene already then there is something wrong. x
I’m with you on the whole panic buying, all I can keep thinking is what were people washing their hands with before?!
The meal plan sounds delicious, I want to give Enchiladas a go but not sure the fussy lot will eat them!
I think don’t feel guilty, you’ve still saved £20 which is great! Well done and thanks for linking up. Have a good week x