Hello, Welcome to Book Worms Monthly January. Have you got a goal on how many books you’d like to read this Year? I aim low and try to read at least one a month, my first January book is still going from December, but it is a big one. I’ll tell you more about that later
Reading is my passion and I love to write about what I’ve read. I’m a real book worm and I have been since the day I could read.
I decided to start this linky so that other book worms could Share. I’m starting monthly for now, so you have a whole month to link up your posts. You can link up to four posts, so that’s one a week. Or if you like you can link up some of your older posts.
Let’s share what we read and give other’s ideas what to read next. Tell me your reviews, you book reading lists, your author interviews, kids book favourites, Young Adult books, and even posts about your favourite authors. Anything book related is allowed and I can’t wait to read them all. I want to find all the book worms out there.
Here is last months linky to give you some idea of what it’s about. It’s a new linky so I’m trying to reach out to all the book worms out there to come and join me with their posts monthly.
Join Us for Book Worms Monthly January!
Book worms Monthly will be posted every four weeks, and you can join in at any time. I will share anyone who links over on my Social Media sites, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Mix (formerly Stumbleupon.) I’ll also come along and read and comment on your post. Please do share this link up with your friends.
Link up your Book Worm Monthly January book posts below.
Here’s a badge to share. No code, just copy and paste it on your blog and link the photo back to mine if you wish. Or please mention my blog
https://athomealot.com/ with a link instead. That we we can encourage more to join in and share.

I’ve read two novels this month as well as parts of several nonfiction books. One was a gift: The Marsh King’s Daughter by Elizabeth Chadwick. The other was a happy discovery at a used bookstore: a reprint of the original 1930 version of The Hidden Staircase – Nancy Drew. I read the later revised series when I was 10 and 11. I look forward to checking out the other links over the course of the linkup. Thank you for hosting. Will tweet.
Thank you Jean. I like going back to books I read when I was younger too. I really enjoyed reading The Magic Fareaway Tree with my Girls and The Little Prince.