A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly Autumnal October Book Linky

Welcome to Book Worms Monthly October. It’s feeling decidedly Autumnal in the UK already, we’ve even had flooding here in the Midlands. I’ve been doing a lot of reading again and I managed to make to book club in September. I’m looking forward to what everyone thought of our latest book which I’ll be reviewing… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly Autumnal October Book Linky

A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly September Reviews

Welcome to Book Worms Monthly September. I’ve been reading quite a lot lately but my pile never gets smaller. I wish I could read as fast as some. Maybe if I watched less television. (Or slept) Reading is my passion and I love to write about what I’ve read. I’m a real book worm and… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly September Reviews

A Place to Read

Book Worms Monthly Springing into March book Link Up

Welcome to this months Book Worms Monthly March. Again, I’m a little late. I have a good excuse though, I caught Covid again and it’s knocked me for six. I didn’t even realise it was March until this morning. I’ve not been reading much either because, well, I’ve not done much at all except sleep… Continue reading Book Worms Monthly Springing into March book Link Up