Welcome to Book Worms monthly January and Happy New Year. I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. I didn't get much reading done. I did enjoy a couple of Terry Pratchett books which my son bought me for Christmas, but I've read them before. Do you read books that you've read before? I have… Continue reading Happy New Year Book Worms Monthly January
Author: athomealot
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
I was given the suggestion to try reading Blake Crouch when I asked on X for some sci-fi suggestions. Dark Matter seemed to call out to me so I gave it a try on Audible 10 hours and 8 minutesAuthorBlake CrouchNarratorJon LindstromWhispersync for VoiceReadyAudible.co.uk Release Date11 August 2016PublisherPan Macmillan Publishers Ltd.Program TypeAudiobookVersionUnabridgedLanguageEnglish The Blurb for… Continue reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
A Stroke of the Pen, Terry Pratchett
My daughter bought me A Stroke of the Pen as a surprise. She knows I have always been a fan of the late Terry Pratchett and has bought me special edition copies of a lot of his books. It was a real surprise to receive this one though. I'm not sure where she bought this… Continue reading A Stroke of the Pen, Terry Pratchett
Looking After your Health During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a wonderful time in any woman's life. That is the norm anyway. Unfortunately, in some cases, pregnancy can bring complications and can affect your health in unexpected ways. Even though it is normally temporary until you give birth it is important you look after yourself and any health concerns you have while pregnant.… Continue reading Looking After your Health During Pregnancy
The Night She Lied by Lucy Dawson, book review
I decided to choose The Night She Lied with my Audible Credit because it sounded like just the sort of thriller I would have enjoyed. It turned out to be a book of two halves. 10 hours and 41 minutesAuthorLucy DawsonNarratorRachel AtkinsWhispersync for VoiceReadyAudible.co.uk Release Date16 November 2023PublisherBolinda audioProgram TypeAudiobookVersionUnabridgedLanguageEnglishASIN The Blurb Every family has… Continue reading The Night She Lied by Lucy Dawson, book review
Cosy Up for Book Worms Monthly December
Welcome to Book Worms monthly December. I can barely believe that it's December already! I currently have 3 books on the go which is unusual for me but I'm determined to get them finished and they are all completely different so I'm hoping I don't get confused. Plus one is just short stories, so I… Continue reading Cosy Up for Book Worms Monthly December
4 Ways to Make Christmas Cheaper This Year
With prices of almost everything continuously on the rise, the thought of Christmas becomes even more daunting than before. Even though every single year you probably somehow scrape it together, it’s time to start preparing so that when you have done your shopping, it’s not such a hit on your wallet. Now we’re nearly in… Continue reading 4 Ways to Make Christmas Cheaper This Year
Gifts from My Own Shop for Christmas
Today I'm going to do a little promotion and let you see how my shop can provide you with some lovely gifts for Christmas. Candles First up, my candles really are pretty. They are all vegan friendly soy wax and burn for 41 hours. They come with crystals and herbs. The crystals can be kept… Continue reading Gifts from My Own Shop for Christmas
The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett
I am a fan of Janice Hallett and have so far read all of her books. I couldn't resist The Christmas Appeal and picked up a hardcover copy in Sainsburys. Publisher : Viper; Main edition (26 Oct. 2023)Language : EnglishHardcover : 208 pagesISBN-10 : 1800817355ISBN-13 : 978-1800817357Dimensions : 13.8… Continue reading The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett
Christmas Decorations from Etsy
I'm a huge Etsy fan and although some might think it's too early to think about Christmas, it's certainly not too early to start getting those decorations ready. I've been looking on Etsy for some of my favourites finds. You can view them all here. But here are some I've chosen to share on my… Continue reading Christmas Decorations from Etsy