Ok, I’ve been having some issues with my meal plan. I haven’t posted one for two weeks. I even took my eldest daughter, who is the most difficult to please, out to Morrisons but we still didn’t end up with any good meals. So, I’ve really been whinging it every day and we’ve had lots of take outs, tsk tsk.
It’s Christmas next month so I really need to hold on to those purse strings, buy better food and get myself sorted and reduce take outs.
This Weeks Meal Plan

- Saturday – Lamb curry
- Sunday – Toad in the hole and mash
- Monday – chicken and chorizo paella
- Tuesday – steak or pasta bake
- Wednesday – Enchiladas or fajitas
- Thursday – pork dish
- Friday – fish or chicken and chips
Only half the family like steak so it will be a two meal day on Tuesday, but I don’t mind, I already have the steak. I can make either enchiladas or fajitas on Wednesday depending on what the family fancies. The kids just tend to have chicken wraps with salad and nachos.
We had a lamb curry last week and although the lamb was lovely and tender, the sauce was not so tasty, it was a bit bland. So this week we’ll spice it up a bit more. One of the children has curry with us, the other two will have to have something from the freezer.
I’m hoping the chicken and chorizo paello is accepted because we’ve had it quite a lot lately (although not for a few weeks.) My family is so hard to please, when my older kids were little we would have the same meals on rotation over two weeks, but now they get bored of food so quickly. I get so frustrated with them, I really just want to tell them to eat up or go without, which I often do. The kids will eat then, but the older ones end up causing the most fuss. Does anyone else get bored of meals, I mean to the point that even if it’s something they really enjoy they don’t want to eat it anymore because they are sick of it? I am running out of ideas, and find it so difficult to please 7 people. I think I could do with some help.
Your meals sound lovely and know that feeling of people wanting different meals and i am sure its not getting any easier. I use bbc good food a lot x
Such a shame you have been struggling to meal plan. Good luck with it this week. It sounds like you’re very organised.
Great meal plan. x
We definitely get bored here! Perhaps you could have one week of the month where each child gets to choose a favourite meal? That might help?
Thanks for linking up and hope you manage to avoid the takeaway.
I feel your pain with the meal plan, I have two fussy children here and it causes so many problems with our meals! It is a never ending battle!
I’d happily eat all your meal plan though!